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Age Verification

Dear Customer,

As you may be aware, from 1st October 2015, a law was implemented that bans the sale of electronic cigarettes and vapour product that contain or can be used to deliver nicotine to all individuals under the age of 18. The UK Vapour Brand Ltd group of companies have, since 2009, implemented a company policy of not selling to ‘minors’ when it was known to the company that these individuals were under the age of 18. This legislation mandates this policy for retailers of these products.

As a consequence, and to ensure absolute and full compliance across our businesses, our websites have protocols in place to ensure no one under the age of 18 can purchase products. Specifically:

All new registration of accounts will include a request for entry of the account applicant's Date of Birth. The first purchase on every account will be verified by an industry recognised age verification service.

Please note: We are fully PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) compliant. These are the same standards that are used by all banks and credit card companies to conform to data warehousing, encryption and safeguarding. Our systems are audited annually as part of this standard.

Our Terms and Conditions to reflect this UK legislation and acceptance of these terms also explicitly supports and authorises the use of age verification checks against the account details provided.

I am sure that you understand and I hope to support not only this legislation but our company’s application of these simple procedures. We have attempted to make verification as trouble-free for all our customers so your site experience is as unhindered as possible.

Thank you for your support

Marcus Saxton
Chief Executive Officer

UK Vapour Brands Group

Points to Note:

Please click here to read our full Terms and Conditions.

1. Billing Address.

Please ensure that the billing address in your account matches the address that your bank account is registered to and NOT your place of work or delivery address if different.

2. Full Name.

You need to enter your FULL name as it appears on your passport/ bills/ driving licence etc. For example Richard Wyatt-Smith instead of Ricky Smith or Rebecca instead of Becki.

3. Date of Birth.

You will be required to enter your date of birth before you can check out.

Without the correct information we will not be able to verify your age and you will not be able to make a purchase.

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